Trust Workshop

Trust can be hard to measure, but we instinctively and measurably know that people do better in high-trust organizations. Look at the stream of business books based on this key topic as an indication. But how do you actually create and hold on to this key variable in the chaos of running an organization and delivering work?

Our trust workshop facilitates this exact competency in a pragmatic and interactive approach that prioritizes changing behavior to align intent to an outcome. We focus on helping individuals, especially leaders, consider their actions through this lens – does this behavior help people to trust me? Does this behavior show others that I trust them? And if not, how do I modify my behavior to achieve these key outcomes?

Building trust with and in others creates an adaptable learning organization. This type of collective learning is essential to delivering business results with agility, innovation, and resilience.

  • ROI of Trust

    The first session helps sets the foundation for cultivating a high-trust culture by establishing trust a fundamental business need, not just a nice to have.

  • Myths & Facts

    Explore the myths around trust creation and erosion with this interactive activity. Establish shared understanding which increases buy-in and triggers positive behavior change.

  • Navigating Trust Journey

    This session focuses on specific behavioral shifts needed from individuals to increase their ability to trust and be trusted. This asynchronous effort is supported by individual coaching.

  • Circles of Trust

    Builds on the individual trust journey to increase trust within groups and then ultimately within the organization to cultivate high-trust culture.