Compass for Agility

The Compass for Agility is a pragmatic and personalized approach to explore how and why behavior change (both individually and collectively) can lead to outcomes such as resilience, innovation, and equity. This approach builds fluency in experimenting, learning, adapting, and succeeding.

Each organization chooses the outcome they most want to achieve for each 90-day engagement; based on the targeted outcome, we will work with you to identify the targeted behavior changes. You will see results within 30 days and can decide to pivot or proceed every 30 days.

The compass is designed with five steps — Ideation, Identification, Intake, In Action, and Introspection to achieve maximum impact and sustainable results. Each step has three built-in techniques that minimize the learning curve and deliver visible results.

The outcome for each approach with the Compass can vary considerably; previously, the selected outcomes have included strategic planning, Agile maturity, Lean process improvement, organizational design, cybersecurity, business resilience, DEIA, innovation, and a number of other pain points or gain areas.

Cultivate a continuous learning culture that enables organizations to become more resilient, innovative, and equitable with the Compass for Agility approach.

  • Compass for Agility

    The Compass for Agility is a pragmatic and personalized approach to explore how and why behavior change (both individually and collectively) can lead to outcomes such as resilience, innovation, and equity. This builds fluency in experimenting, learning, adapting, and succeeding.

  • Ideation

    Goal: We start by determining the value proposition. What is your goal? What does value mean for you? Why are we doing this?

    Outcome: Shared understanding of both where you are and where you want to be to address the key goal or problem

  • Identification

    Goal: The work identification process captures the reality and the context of a given environment - all the unplanned, ad-hoc work as well as management and other operational activities

  • Intake

    Goal: The goal is understanding how to deconstruct your work to obtain early and frequent value delivery. This starts with ensuring that all incoming work is directed into a single queue so that we can establish service levels and establish definition of done for each service level - both for the overall deliverables as well as incremental deliveries.

  • In Action

    Goal: Actually delivering work to the customer and therefore getting to "done." This step represents the more familiar agile work delivery methods - Kanban, Scrum, Lean - but the common element here is visualization of work that is in progress, the process for getting work to "done" as well as hopefully work that has been completed.

  • Introspection

    Goal: Maintaining momentum and making the change from doing Agile to being Agile. This ensures that necessary cultural DNA transformation takes root and becomes self-sustaining.